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How to Draw Anime

Anime has become one of the most trending image styles for a long time. However, there are ways to draw anime that you should know. Because drawing anime by drawing that type of image is different. Curious? Let's read the explanation here! 

Love to read comics online? Or do you like watching anime movies? The distinctive shape of the image is unsightly. Especially when the image is connected into a story with a creative plot. Not closing the possibility, This can make you fall in love with the style of the image as in anime or manga.

how to, draw anime, how to draw anime,
anime illustration. image by akane-k on

If you are interested in learning to draw anime style, you must know first how to draw a good and correct anime. But before that, it's good to learn about the history of anime development in Indonesia that we have discussed before. The point is to understand more about the anime that you have been watching. Well, if we have, let's go straight into the main discussion. Let's go!

Since this is a way of drawing anime for beginners, we recommend focusing on drawing half the body first, which is the upper body. The goal is to train your hands to get used to creating anime or manga images, while better understanding how the image details. Let's go straight into the first step.

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how to create a line

As we've discussed before in the basic graphic design article, lines become one of the most important elements. This should also be applied when you draw a tablet, both for drawing characters and landscapes. 

To create a straight line without deleting is not easy. It takes practice many times until finally your hands get used to making straight lines. However, this will be different again if you want to make the lines curved, because there are more basic techniques. 

If we look at the other anime images, generally they use a distinctive line. That's why you need practice to be able to make lines like that. Prepare the blank paper and draw a line there. Try not to use the eraser. Keep doing this activity until your hands are used to making lines.

how to create squares, triangles, and circles

Squares, triangles, and circles. It is a basic geometric shape that is often used as an early sketch of drawing. If you are associated with anime images, this will be useful for you when the initial process of character design. 

Know that these three basic forms can determine the nature of the character later. Suppose you want to create a character that has a jolly and energetic nature. You can use circles as the basis for sketching the body. If you're still confused, you can read more in the article on how to create a character design that we've loaded before.

how to make a head

The next way to create an anime is to start sketching head. First create a circle, then create a guide line such as a 'plus' sign or you can also draw with the help of a grid. The goal is to make your image neater and more proportionate. 

Once you've created the grid, start drawing your head, jaw, chin, and all the parts until you finally sketch your face. This will be where you draw eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and so on. Sketch with a thin line, so that the pencil does not remain on the paper. If you still want to create a bold outline, you can do so when you enter the image finishing process.

how to make eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth

Now it's time to start drawing your eyes, your nose eyebrows, and your nose. Eits, but it's not indiscriminate. There are special ways to draw it. We take the simplest example, which is to draw the eyes. How to draw anime eyes by drawing realist eyes is certainly different. There are shapes and strokes each that make it look distinctive. Therefore, you must understand the characteristics of anime images. 

Back again to the step of drawing the eyes, eyebrows, nose, and mouth, start drawing by following the pre-made grid. Make sure the position is proportional so that the image is unsightly. There's no need to create complex patterns, because you have to remember how the principles of anime images are different from realist images.

how to make hair

Well this is the most exciting step, which is to draw hair! You need to know in advance how your character's hair will be made. Is it long or short? Straight or curls? And all the other details. Oh yes, the way to draw male and female characters is also different. It's also worth understanding, even for a hair sketching session. Because each hair shape you choose will have an effect on the image results later. 

In addition, you need to adjust the shape of the hair to the character traits you build. The goal is to strengthen the concept of his character. Make a thin line so that the hair has a wavy and not stiff effect. Also, you don't have to pay too much attention to hair details until you draw them strands per strand.

First of all, dance the lines from the tip of the right and left jaws to form the neck. Try to fit the size, not too long and not too short. For the neck of the male is made wider and shorter than the neck of the female.

Then make an inverted trapezoidal shape as the base frame makes the shoulders up to the chest. Specify the shoulder width of the character you created. Generally, male characters have wider shoulders than women. Well, now make his hand, but there's no need for a full body. Because the final result of how to create the anime we discussed today is only for the upper half of the body.

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