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Step into my parlor

Guys, look, it's coming along! Here's the current state of our parlor.

The rug I've been waiting ages for finally came. I love it. It's the Momeni Delhi DL-51 Navy rug. I ordered it from Rug Super Center since they provide a free rug pad with your order (the pad is still in transit, so I'm not sure what kind it is.) We'll move the rug closer to the window so it's more centered in the room after the Christmas tree is gone.

We're still waiting for a non-broken chandelier to arrive; that will be in January. We also want to ditch the bathroom floor tile covering this non-working fireplace and probably paint the brick to hide some ugliness. Alex got out the roasting rack from his grill and put a couple logs in it, just to help the situation a little. We bought that firewood bundle circa 2004 for a campfire in Chicago that never happened. And then we moved it to Cincinnati this summer. Finally it has a purpose in life.

I guess interior designers would put lots of stuff on the mantle and style up the coffee table with deer antlers and art books that no one reads. I'll work on that.

In the meantime, I cashed in some Groupon credit and got this lovely watercolor print for free from Central Park West, 2011 by Peter Graham.

And I made a deal with Ms. Dana Gibson to get a discount on her awesome painted leopard pillows. They make me smile internally when I look at them. I was fixated on this funny tiger rug awhile ago with nowhere to put it, so now I have achieved my dream of owning flattened animals. (I don't count paper bookmarks. The comments on that post are hilarious, by the way.) Side note! Dana's great grandpa was the artist behind the Gibson Girl.

Also in here are the antique-mall lamps with shades I covered, the reupholstered Craigslist chairs, and the Abigail loveseat whose legs I intend to stain darker.

Yay! It's a room! I can hardly remember when it looked like this:

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