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Fun game: let's pick a parlor rug

I woke up at 4:30 this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. So I made a super rough Photoshop mockup of the parlor and tested different rugs in it. The things in this room I actually own: the loveseat, light fixture (though it's not hung yet), curtains, and chairs (though they're not reupholstered to look like this yet). I'm on a blue kick because it looks good with all the brown woodwork, and I love bold graphics. A navy rug? But which one?

Above: it's loony and I love it! This rug has little orange squares in it which tie in with the orange womb chair in the adjoining living room. If we leave the pocket doors open and you stand in just the right place, you'd be able to see them both at once. But I think I'm too chicken to buy this one, and I wouldn't want the eyeballs of visitors to pop out of their sockets. Plus it's pricey.

Or take it down 6 notches and go with asymmetrical rectangles. By the way, I always first type "asymmetrical" with two s's and then it looks like ass and I realize something is wrong. (Just an aside. Or asside.) This rug is navy with a pale gray background like the walls.

Maybe stripes? A bold move. Navy and ivory.

Royal blue instead of navy, in a chevron.

What to do, friends?

Update: I've loved all of your votes and comments and thoughtful suggestions! I've decided on #3, the stripes, and I've ordered it. That one is by far the best price, too. But it turns out it's going to take 8-12 weeks to arrive. What, are the sheep not even shorn yet? So if I find something better in the meantime, I might cancel that plan and go with something else.

Update: And... I cancelled the rug. I don't want to wait that long. I'm plotting my next move.

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